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October 2022 | Happy Awareness October!

October 2022 | Happy Awareness October! - Bodacious Bijous

This is my favorite time of the year. There’s nothing like the coziness of fall sweaters, warm hot chocolate, and the gorgeous colors of fall.

Here are some of the things that I want to bring awareness to this month.

Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and that makes it the perfect time to show your love and support for all of the women in your life. This is a cause that's close to the heart for many families, and that's why Bodacious Bijous makes breast cancer awareness jewelry. A portion of each purchase benefits the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Raise awareness, and talk to the women in your life about getting a potentially life-saving screening.

Emotional Wellness

October  is also Emotional Wellness Month. The last couple of years have been challenging. Now's the perfect time to check in with yourself, and reflect on how you're doing.

I'm encouraging my readers to focus on self-care. This can look different for everyone, but self-care boils down to taking action in areas that genuinely improve your health and wellness. It might be keeping that doctor appointment that you've been putting off or setting aside time for daily physical movement.

Self-care could be starting a journaling practice, learning to meditate or scheduling sessions with a Reiki Master.  Ask me about Reiki I would love to share what I know.

Whatever supports your emotional wellness, make an effort to emphasize it this month.

World Teachers' Day

October 5 is World Teachers' Day, and we're celebrating by offering 25 percent off for teachers. Just leave a comment on this blog post stating your school's name and the grade you teach. I'll send you a discount code that you can immediately use.

Getting to Know You

Did you know that the third Thursday in October is Get to Know Your Customers Day? It's one of my favorite days of the year because it gives me an excuse to learn more about people who are meaningful in my life.

Please leave a comment below giving me insight into who you are or share something with me that I can post on my website.

Don't forget that the month ends with Halloween! Bodacious Bijous has one-of-a-kind jewelry designs that will help you celebrate in style.

Sending good wishes and many blessings! Diana

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